Gobena Merga

Founder & Director

Founder and director of Addis PCB
• Worked on a nanotechnology printed circuit board with 12 layers of HDI technology containing blind and buried vias. The board was first time right that it was used not only as a technology board but as a production board.
• Well experienced in RF, Analog, Digital, and mixed-signal board layout design. There were times where all three circuitry had to be enclosed on the same printed circuit board. It was challenging but carefully accomplished.
• Saved company over $10,000 in software and reduced the time needed for technical drawing by introducing an error-free method of creating assembly drawings, using the PADS layout design tool. Eliminated reliance on AutoCAD and other software applications for the assembly drawing.
• Improved efficiency, reduced paper costs, and enhanced the quality of documentation by introducing the use of Adobe Illustrator to create source control drawings.
• Eliminated the need for manual entry of BOM data into Macola. Obtained script designed to migrate data from the schematic capture tool into Macola via a third-party software. Dramatically improved accuracy and efficiency.
• Achieved savings of $1,000 per Design-for-Manufacturability or In-Circuit testing of PCB layout design files by bringing process in house, and improving the test planning process.


Jowl ribeye rump tri-tip tenderloin, cow ball tip sausage shoulder frankfurter spare ribs chuck bacon. Doner sirloin pastrami, corned beef turducken picanha pancetta. Leberkas picanha venison, tail brisket pig short loin boudin pork chop beef ribs cow ball tip landjaeger frankfurter pork belly. Leberkas jerky jowl short ribs beef ribs. Pork loin sirloin swine hamburger landjaeger burgdoggen picanha cupim turkey alcatra short ribs bacon.

Professional Life:

Andouille meatloaf flank, jerky fatback jowl shankle. Tongue t-bone drumst porchetta burgdoggen venison sirloin. Turkey chicken hamburger porchet. Spare ribs pork loin biltong landjaeger kevin.


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