These past two weeks our CEO, Gobena Merga, went to visit the STEM Power Fab Lab and the Foka
Stem Center down in Debre Zeit. This visit made us proud to be partners with such a momentous change
making organization.

“I have so much respect for both Mark and STEM power seeing how invested you are to the growth of
STEM education in Ethiopia.” -Gobena Merga
During our visit to the Fab Lab, we saw all the wonderful teaching materials that the STEM staff
prepared based on the Ethiopian syllabus. From puzzles for kindergarten students to a kit sampling
electromagnetic fields for high school students. The STEM staff have done a wonderful job in creating
kits that will help students have hands-on learning instead of just theories.
Even more astonishing were the amazing prototypes that the students at the Foka center have worked
on. In the interest of keeping their ideas safe we will not share them we will however say they are
beyond COOL!

STEM Power don’t just stop at their centers all over the country they have a moving lab, that they
themselves have built to help them move and teach in even the remotest of places.
Overall, we are proud to be partners with STEM Power and excited for all the wonderful things we can
accomplish with this wonderful organization.
Thank you STEM Power!
